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City of Walker Parks & Rec
Community Outreach page
For those paying online that may be on disconnect
list or making a payment later than due date,
please notify the Utility Department to be
sure your payment is processed to avoid delay
in restoring service or avoid
disruption of service.
Unified Developement Code (UDC) updated January 2023
City of Walker Master plan updated 2018
Click image for Sexual Harassment Policy
Monday, February 10, 2025
6:00 p.m.
(See main page if link doesn't open)
Planning & Zoning Meeting
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
6:00 p.m.
City Hall
13600 Aydell Lane
The Water We Drink
Consumer Confidence Report 2023
DEQ Water Source Assessment 2022
Consumer Confidence Report 2022
Consumer Confidence Report 2021
Consumer Confidence Report 2020
Consumer Confidence Report 2019
Cross Connection Control - Appendix D (Louisiana State Plumbing Code)
Water Department
Walker City Hall
13600 Aydell Lane
Walker, LA 70785
Phone: 225.664.3123
7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
The City of Walker's Water Department maintains high standards of clean and healthy water for the citizens of this community. The city provides water services to more than 4,200 customers within the city limits and surrounding areas. The water system consists of three water wells and one 200,000 gallon elevated water tower, which produces about 1.6 million gallons of water per day.
For information on starting utility service, click here.
For answers to frequently asked questions, click here.
Water Services Department Director, Tim Oxley.
To return to the Department of Public Works, click here.
This UDCP will enable the City of Walker to manage its water system and water resources in a conscientious, fair, and appropriate manner during certain situations when water use reductions are necessary. It is not designed to punish, stigmatize, or criticize anyone about their usage of water. Its sole intent is to maintain an adequate supply of water during the various stages of drought conditions or other water supply emergencies, which may occur from time to time.
The City of Walker believes that significant reductions in water usage can be achieved through drought triggered water use restrictions and voluntary efforts by end-users. Implementation of voluntary water conservation measures and conscientious water use practices are encouraged at all times; however, additional water use restrictions are required in cases of extreme drought, periods of abnormally high usage, system contamination, or extended reduction in ability to supply water due to equipment failure. Should drought conditions reach more severe levels, the City of Walker has planned and is prepared to restrict or curtail certain types of usage.
Users Recommended Actions:
· Check for toilet and faucet leaks and repair any found leaks immediately.
· 1nstall aerators on faucets.
· Don't leave faucet running when not in use.
· Never use the toilet to dispose of trash.
· Only run dishwasher with full load.
· Reduce use of garbage disposal.
· Wash only full loads of laundry.
· Turn off master water shutoff when out of town or on vacation.
· Comply with lawn watering schedule and only water between 8pm and 8am.
· For Automatic Sprinkler systems:
· check sprinkler heads regularly to prevent clogging and overspray.
· Adjust run times and frequency monthly to respond to water schedules and changing rainfall and temperature conditions.
· Use hand-held hose, drip irrigation, or soaker hose for trees, garden non-turf areas and bedded plants.
· For hose end sprinkler use sprinkler timers to limit water duration.
· Only wash vehicles when necessary (if possible use a commercial car wash which recycles water).
In addition to the consumer survey that is available each year, the Walker water system is in compliance with the state’s lead and copper rule and has maintained a stellar record with no lead or copper contaminants exceeding acceptable levels over the last 10 years. The Walker water system utilizes a special polyphosphate additive that not only sequesters manganese, but is an anti-corrosion agent as well. If any homes/businesses connected to our water system contain any lead or copper pipes, the additive helps prevent any lead or copper leeching into the customer's water.